Sunday 24 February 2008

The state of Italy, or "Researcher of long life claimed by the US"

On Wednesday last week the Italian newspaper L'Arena, the newspaper for the town of Verona and its province, published the following article. Scroll down to read the original version in Italian.


Researcher of long life claimed by the US

He researches the link between food and long life aiming to find the scientific formula for long life and good health. But the Unites States are not willing to "give him back to us": this is LUIGI FONTANA, 39 years old and a degree in medicine from the university in Verona. He does not consider himself a "drained brain", he prefers to think of his brain as "borrowed". Fontana spends three months on, three months off, alternating between Rome (he is a researcher at the Istituto Superiore di Sanità) and the US, where he is assistant professor at the Washington University of St. Louis. He would like to move back to Italy but his desire "collides" with those of his American bosses: they are not letting him go by offering him
advancements and career opportunities. His latest research findings? The ideal diet to live up to 30% longer does not exceed 1,800 calories a day."

A note from Sonia: I feel that an Italian audience might not get the irony of this article.

Original article as published on L'Arena on 20th February 2008:


Studia la lunga vita, gli Usa lo reclamano

Studia il nesso tra alimentazione e longevità, per trovare la formula scientifica di una vita duratura ed in buona salute. E gli Stati Uniti non vogliono «restituircelo»: è LUIGI FONTANA, 39 anni ed una laurea in Medicina presa a Verona. Non vuole definirsi un «cervello fuggito»: semmai, «prestato». FONTANA, vive per tre mesi a Roma (è ricercatore all’Istituto superiore di sanità) e per tre mesi negli Usa, dove è assistent professor alla Wahington University di St.Louis. Vorrebbe ritornare in patria, ma si «scontra» con i suoi capi statunitensi: non vogliono lasciarlo andare e per questo gli offrono avanzamenti e opportunità. La sua ultima ricerca? Ipotizza che la dieta ideale, per vivere fino al 30% di anni in più, sia quella che non supera le 1800 calorie al giorno."

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