Wednesday 26 March 2008


Tonight I went to the cinema to see Juno. I wasn't sure what to expect of it as I only knew two things about it: that it's a teeny movie and that the screenplay was written by a former stripper, Diablo Coby (she won an Oscar for it). Well, yes, it is a teeny movie - but a really nice one. First of all I was really surprised to find out that for this kind of film on a Wednesday evening at 7 the audience's average age was still mid 30s. A good sign I'd say.

I guess that with Hollywood you simply cannot fully escape stereotypes, and with a pregnant 16 year old that is even less the case. But it was good. I like her. She's cool. She knows what she wants and doesn't like to be told what to do. (Maybe this is why I like her...?) Her parents are cool too, nothing more with Madonna's Papa Don't Preach! Pregnant and still very clear about what to do, she analyzes her options rationally as well as emotionally. Finally you get a modern thinking and open minded America! Some exceptions are kind of a must, but there you go, it can't all be roses.

The film is structured in a cycle: it started with a chair and finishes with a chair. I like the armchair and the pipe, the runners and the tic tacs. Some good humor and a somewhat unexpected ending that gets rid of a heep of cliches. Not the best of movies but still pretty impressive!

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