Thursday 17 April 2008

Opposition? Which opposition?

Ciao ragazzi, è bellissimo sapere che siete vibranti di energia e di idee!!

Continuerò a scrivere il mio blog in inglese perchè desidero poter raggiungere il maggior numero di persone possibili. Ma continuate a scrivere, fatevi sentire!

As some of you have pointed out, the latest elections in Italy were tough because of a lack of a real, strong opposition. Yes, Veltroni & friends were the opposition - but they could have never made it. And in this I must admit that Berlusconi has done very well: he realised he had to change the underlying structure of his political approach, he changed it by doing his homework and also by borrowing some ideas from the opposition itself and thus undermined the opposition. (Thank you Zadig for the reference to Ezio Mauro and Ilvo Diamanti on And once again it was a case of choosing the "lesser of evils" (see:

So now it's back to us and to the political opposition: if Berlusconi managed to learn his lesson, so can we! We need to understand how he did this, what allowed him to drop all those smaller parties with tree and plant references and move on. And how did you do it? Through information!

Some of you said it is a matter of culture. Yes, culture is important, it is our roots - but it should never block out innovation and ideas. Even Berlusconi managed to change some of his political strategies!

Some others said it is all about ignorance. The literal meaning of that word is "little, limited knowledge". So again, beating ignorance is about information. It's about acquiring new knowledge and also about being open to new ideas, to new approaches, to new times. Even Berlusconi evolved his underlying political structure!

Sometimes even people we do not like can be an example for us...


Sara said...

Good morning honey...I'm going to stamp an read your post. I miss you!!!
Kisses Sara

Anonymous said...

Ciao Sonia ti scrivo in italiano perke' non parlo inglese vorrei dirti ke sapere l'iglese aiuta tantissimo a kapire il resto del mondo,ma credo ke prima di capire bisogna essere nel caso politico esistenziale italiano persone civili,credo ke in italia manki questo ciao F.C.

Nervo said...

uhm...magari prima dell'inglese sarebbe il caso di imparare a scrivere in italiano... :-D

Sonia, you have a wonderful blog. I'm reading it with great pleasure since yesterday :-)

Anonymous said...

Ciao Sonia
ti leggo nel blog di Beppe, volevo dirti che mi sembra un po' esagerato il pensare che fuori dall'Italia le cose vadano alla grande. Penso che i problemi della nostra societa' e del conseguente comportamento della gente sia globale, almeno in occidente. Sono rientrato in questo paese dopo 10 anni di Londra, principalmente cerco rapporti umani piu' veritieri cosa veramente ardua su' li' da te. Non parliamo poi di problemi sociali....

Anonymous said...

listen ,i speak english very well, actually i'm fluent in at least three languages. But in Italia is not what you know, but who you know , that counts. therefore you will find politicians, movie stars , and yes even interpreters and translators, speaking an embarassing lingo, but yet they get paid good money , and i'm unenployed, i 've worked with people that was embarassed by my else could 've explained the money they were paid??and believe i'm not alone

kfk said...

I put your blog in my bookmarks, really like it.

Anyway, about the information and the ignorance, I agree with you but... it's not easy, we need people to think differently first of all, we need to change our mind, if italians go on this way they are not ready to receive all this new information, they will say it's false, I don't care. I know this because in my university is this way, students don't want to change, even they know that, they go on studying, they think they don't have time to improve their cultural knowledge.
I think we need philosophy, sociology, human capital idea, first of all, first than english we need culture!!

Anonymous said...

Cara Sonia, non sono affatto daccordo con il tuo modo così semplice di etichettare noi italiani. Fattelo dire da chi da 15 anni si sevglia alla 5 del mattino e torna alle 7 di sera e fa oltre al proprio lavoro 400 km al giorno spaccandosi la schiena e non ha il tempo di studiare quello che vorrebbe, non vive in una città figa e campa una famiglia moglie e figlia con 1500 € al mese. Mi ritengo fortunato a percepire uno stipendio ed altrettanto ad arrivare a fine mese, non spetta a me a giudicare la politica ma neanche te! Riguardo all'inglese; ritengo che il tasso d'ignoranza dell'italiano sia intorno al 50 % per cui siamo lontani. ciao